MCF Magazine

Can’t read this email properly?Better Lives Magazine, Issue 13 is out now!Our bi-annual magazine, featuring real stories from the people we help, advice for anyone thinking of applying for support, and news from the MCF has now been published. This issue focuses on our support for children and young people, from travelling scholarships to grants for daily living costs and helping access to SEND assessments.
There are some really incredible, heartwarming stories in this issue so we hope it’s been worth the wait!READ MOREMental health supportThe Mental Health of Children and Young People in England 2023 report, published by NHS England, highlighted that one in five children aged 5-17 years old were identified as having a probable mental health condition.
Read our monthly blog post about just two of the young people who have received mental health support as a result of reaching out to us.READ MORECharitable giving near youIf you’ve ever wondered how much your Province has helped your local community, click the link and filter by your area to find out more about its impact.READ MORECould we help you with daily living costs?When Gus was 17 years old, his father died suddenly, leaving behind Gus, his mother, and two sisters.
“We got in touch with the MCF, and they gave me a grant which helped massively because my mother was a single mother, and it was often difficult for her to afford the things I needed and to help me out as much as she wanted to.”GET SUPPORTNational Walking MonthThe month of May was National Walking Month, and we couldn’t think of anyone better to talk to than Freemason, Chris Jones who is walking the entirety of Britain for charity.
Listen to what he had to say about the benefits of getting out when you can.LISTEN HERESupport for young people in povertyChildren from low-income households often struggle to maintain wellbeing progress in comparison to similar age groups from households in more affluent areas.      Around 600 local children and their families struggling with poverty and isolation will be given the support they need thanks to a £60,000 grant to the Footprints in the Community charity.READ MORENews from the ProvincesTeddy makes it to Mount Everest Base Camp
Jez Hyland, APGM and Lincolnshire 2025 Chairman, together with Rob Wright, who is currently Master of the Franklin Lodge in Boston, Lincolnshire, travelled to Everest Base Camp to raise money for the 2025 Lincolnshire Festival.
TLC Teddy joined them on the trek up 5364m (17,600 ft)!READ MOREAround the Province in four days!Starting on 6 June, Mark, Robert, Ronnie, and Darren will be cycling to all 23 centres in the Province of Northamptonshire & Huntingdonshire to raise funds for the 2024 Festival
This mammoth challenge will see them cycling about 240 milesREAD MOREIn case you missed it…Introducing our brand new WhatsApp Channel, the only place to get a look behind-the-curtain and receive all MCF updates before anyone else! Keep an eye out for some great insider knowledge coming your way.FOLLOW USCONTACT USThe Masonic Charitable Foundation is the national charity of Freemasonry under the United Grand Lodge of England (UGLE). UGLE is the governing body of Freemasonry in England, Wales, the Channel Islands, the Isle of Man and some Districts overseas.
To find out more about Freemasonry, visit© 2024 Masonic Charitable Foundation.Charity Number 1164703 Company Number 09751836Unsubscribe