Middlesex Freemasonry

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Sincerely and Fraternally,W. Bro. Paresh Pandya,Middlesex Cares: Wellbeing Lead07866 444999paresh.pandya@pglm.org.ukThis email is being sent to all Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex on behalf of the Provincial Communications Team – Please do not Unsubscribe from this List, otherwise you will receive no further Provincial communications.

Copyright (C) 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex. All rights reserved.

Website Link : https://www.pglm.org.uk
Email Provincial Office : updates@pglm.org.uk
Phone Provincial Office : 020 8891 3300

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Dispensation granted

We are pleased to advise our members that a dispensation has been given to hold a brief meeting on Monday 23rd September 2024 at 20.00 Hrs, those in attendance should wear full dress regalia. Please read the official letter below.



Cole Court, 150 London Road, Twickenham, Middlesex TW1 1HD

Newsletter July 2024

I want to take this opportunity to give all representatives and units meeting at Cole Court an update from the TDMC Board on a number of matters. This includes details of projects which are taking place at the moment over the summer period, not only to enhance the centre, but to make it safer and much more comfortable.

 Roof Repairs

There is a need to replace the whole roof, however, due to finances; we are having to complete this in stages. We have looked at the areas that need urgent attention and that are causing water ingress to the building. During the Summer break, we are replacing the kitchen roof, the roof on LOI 8 and re-covering the fire escape walkway from the kitchen roof to the rear fire escape stairs. We will also be addressing the problem of water ingress into The Norman Moore Temple.


During the Summer break, we will be redecorating the entire bar and seating area to enhance and ensure a more welcoming face of Cole Court.

Upgraded Power Supply

You will be most pleased to know that after quite some time, this project is now complete apart from the actual connection. The new supply cannot be energised until two new meters are fitted. Sadly, we are in the hands of the electricity supplier regarding fitting the meters and do not, at this time, have a date for the work to be carried out. We will keep you apprised.

Coffee Machine

On your next visit to Cole Court, you will notice that we have a new coffee machine, which is able to deliver a wider variety of drinks and also take card payments! You will be pleased to hear that the cost of a coffee is to remain the same at £2. However, for the month of September only, we have fixed the price to £1 a cup!!

Tea and Coffee Pre-Meeting

For all those units that like to order tea and coffee before your meeting, we have dropped the price from £2.50 to £1.50 per person.

New Cole Court Opening Times

We continuously review our operation to ensure we are utilising the centre as efficiently as possible in order to keep costs at a minimum. There is generally little or no casual customer footfall during the morning unless there is a unit or units holding regular meetings. Opening the centre in the morning incurs staff and energy cost for no return. In view of this, going forward we intend to open the centre at 12 pm unless there is a unit meeting or an event is booked.

Aged Debt

As many of you will know, TDMC have had an issue with the collection of aged debt for some time and the outstanding payments now stand at around £32,000. Despite all units being contacted by our accountants and invoices produced, we are still awaiting payment.

This is money that could be used for the upkeep and enhancement of the centre to the benefit of all our clients.

In order to prevent the debt burden from growing further and to dissuade those who think it is acceptable to leave without paying for their meeting and meal, the Board has sadly had to introduce a surcharge for late payments. We are however allowing a 14-day grace period from the date of the meeting. This makes allowance for instances where a Treasurer may have accidentally forgotten to take the unit’s chequebook or bank card to a meeting, so cannot pay on the day.

The surcharge for any payment made more than 14 days late is 5% of the total bill. If there is a valid reason why payment cannot be made in a timely manner, this must be discussed in advance with Julia Graystone, Duty Manager.

In addition, units will not be allowed to book or hold any further meetings at Cole Court until the bill has been paid in full. Further penalties will be enforced for repeat offenders, such as pre-payment being required at the time of booking.

If a unit has an issue with the meeting or meal withholding payment of either the capitation or dining is not an acceptable course of action. Units withholding payment for any reason will be subject to the late payment procedures detailed above. All complaints will be vigorously investigated as long as the unit has paid their bill in full, and, if appropriate, recompense will be awarded at an appropriate juncture.

Dining and Capitation Costs

Unfortunately, the Board has decided that it is necessary to increase the charges for Capitation, LoI and meals. Food inflation, energy prices and the minimum wage are all impacting heavily on our running costs and sadly, we are unable to absorb all of this extra cost. Therefore, the below charges will take effect from 1st September:

TDMCL Prices 2024 / 2025

 Item                                     Current price                                      New price

Capitation                           £14.00                                                  £16.00

LoI / CoI                               £7.00                                                    £10.00

LoI / CoI calculations                                                    Current price      New price

One meeting each month September – July      £73.50               £110.00

Two meetings each month September – July    £141.75             £220.00

Four meetings each month September – July    £283.50           £396.00


2 Course Meal                                                               £26.50                  £28.50

3 Course Meal                                                               £30.00                  £32.00


Our capitation includes Locker rental, Insurance and car parking. Also, even though the LoI price has been advertised at £7 for some time, being subsidised from external income, all units were actually charged around £5.50.

The new Winter Menu will be effective as from 1st October 2024, I am hopeful to have the new menu available to distribute sometime in August.

Lodge / Chapter of Instruction

Due to some accounting issues, units have not been charged for their LoI / CoI meetings for 2023 / 2024. We apologise for this oversight, you will be contacted shortly by our accountants requesting payment.

Regarding the bookings for the 2024 / 2025 season, please contact Johnny Lewis directly, once the bookings are received, invoices will then be sent out to all. Johnny’s email address is: johnny.lewis@tdmcl.co.uk


Could we please ask that all units pay invoices via online banking and BACS where possible rather than paying by cheque, this will prevent misunderstandings regarding whether a unit has paid or not, this also ensures timely payment.

Secretary and Treasurer

It is imperative that TDMC has up to date records of the Secretary and Treasurer for each unit, could you therefore please confirm their names and contact details and send to Chris Albrow; chris.albrow@tdmcl.co.uk  and  Johnny Lewis so that our records are maintained.

Use of Temples

As you are aware, we have four Temples, Norman Moore, Roger Croome, Staines and Queen Elizabeth II. We are aware that the Queen Elizabeth II Temple is small, difficult to use and has no air conditioning and is therefore only to be used as a Temple when we have four units meeting on the same evening.

Due to the current staffing, we do try to get ahead of ourselves and set up Temples for a meeting that may be happening the following day. Sometimes, these do not match up with Units holding / LoI / CoI meetings the day or night before.

Going forward, if we have one, two or three units meeting on the same afternoon, the Norman Moore, Roger Croome and Staines Temples will be used. The Queen Elizabeth Temple will only be used if there are no other options and as a last resort.

Non Masonic Events

In order to subsidise our masonic activities and keep costs as low as possible it is essential that we utilise the Centre to bring in non-masonic income. We appreciate that this can be viewed by some as disruptive but ask for your support as without the external income generated our fees to units would need to be increased and improvements to the centre curtailed. On the very rare occasions when the centre has to be closed to masonic clients, compensation will be made.


We have upgraded the Wi-Fi connection from 80Mb to 500Mb and plan to add mobile phone signal boosters when funds allow.

 Unit Postal Address

I’m afraid that units cannot use TDMC as a postal address for their unit, this must desist immediately. All letters / packages received will be returned to sender, this is effective as from the 1st September 2024.


And lastly, the Board would like to pass on its heartiest congratulations to former Chairman of TDMCL, Peter Hyde, on his elevation to Provincial Grand Master of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex. Congratulations are also in order for Steve Heynes, current TDMCL Board Director, on his promotion to Assistant Provincial Grand Master for the Provincial Grand Lodge of Mark Master Masons of Middlesex.

I thank you all for your continued support of TDMC and hope that you will understand and appreciate the difficult but essential changes we have had to make this year.

Thank you again.

Sincerely and fraternally

Paul Darling-Wills MBE

Chairman of the Board of Directors

The Mercury

Middlesex Year in Review

2023/4 Year In Review

If you missed picking up a copy of the 2023/4 Year In Review at the recent
Middlesex Craft AGM, click on the link below to view our digital version.


This email is being sent to all Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex on behalf of the Middlesex Communications  Team –

Please do not Unsubscribe from this List, otherwise you will receive no further Provincial communications.

Copyright (C) 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex. All rights reserved.

Website Link : https://www.pglm.org.uk
Email Provincial Office : updates@pglm.org.uk
Phone Provincial Office : 020 8891 3300

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