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Lodge & Chapter of Antient, Free and Accepted Masons of England, Province of Middlesex, Cole Court Masonic Centre
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Not just any old seat, take a visit to Norman Moore Temple next time you are in Cole Court, Twickenham and have a look at whats new. Nice if the star were to light up.
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Recent visit of Via Regis Lodge No.360 of Bucharest to witness Brother Dario Venovski being raised at Dalhousie And Call Sign Lodge No.865, Cole Court, Twickenham. Article translated from Romanian to English below.
Visit of the Brethren from Via Regis Lodge No.360 of Bucharest to Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge No.865 of the Province of Middlesex.
On September 14th 6019, a team of delegates formed of 10 Master Masons from Via Regis Lodge No.360 from Bucharest, Romania, participated in a Ritual Meeting in Twickenham, London. The Lodge visited was Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge No.865 under the jurisdiction of the UGLE and the province of Middlesex.
The reason for the visit was the Raising of a Brother from Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge No.865 to the Master Mason degree.
The Meeting was honoured by the presence of a team of delegates from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex headed by the Assistant Provincial Grand Master John M. Taylor.
On behalf of the National Grand Lodge of Romania The Pro Grand Master Radu Balanescu represented the Grand Master of the National Grand Lodge of Romania and the Brethren of Via Regis Lodge No.360 from Bucharest, gifts and memorabilia were presented to the Worshipful Master of Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge No.865 by the Pro Grand Master as well as the Worshipful Master of Via Regis Lodge No.360.
It is expected that in the near future brethren from Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge No.865 make a visit to Via Regis Lodge No.360.
Published from Romanian Masonic Magazine (Word for Word)
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Hands Up, how many of you have walked past this plaque without even noticing it?. To give you a clue, its at Cole Court.
Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.