First Rising

 Welcome to First Rising – the official newsletter for members of United Grand Lodge of England.  NEWS FROM GRAND LODGE

 Dear Brethren and Companions,
As a reminder, please find below the updated toast lists
for the Craft and the Royal Arch.

The King and the Craft

The Most Worshipful The Grand Master
His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent
The Most Worshipful Pro Grand Master
Jonathan Spence, DL
The Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master,
Sir David Hugh Wootton
The Right Worshipful Assistant Grand Masters
David John Medlock, DL
Arthur Steven Varley
and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past


The King and Royal Arch Masonry 

The Most Excellent The First Grand Principal
His Royal Highness The Duke of Kent
The Most Excellent Pro First Grand Principal
Jonathan Spence, DL
The Most Excellent Second Grand Principal
Russell John Race, DL
The Most Excellent Third Grand Principal
Gareth Jones, OBE
and the rest of the Grand Officers, Present and Past

Adrian Marsh
The one about visiting Lodges
In this light-hearted episode of Craftcast, our usual hosts are joined by guest host Mitch Bryan to discuss one of the cornerstones of a Freemason’s experience:
visiting another Lodge.

Visiting is an integral part of Freemasonry. It provides an opportunity for Freemasons to connect and exchange ideas, knowledge, and experiences. Our hosts dive into their experiences as visitors and discuss their exposure to diverse perspectives, rituals, and customs practiced by different lodges, both at home and abroad.

Together, they reflect on the camaraderie and friendships forged through their visits, and explain why they encourage all Freemasons to embrace the opportunity to visit other Lodges and expand their horizons.

Listen to the latest episode of Craftcast – The one about visiting Lodges – here or at the link below! LISTEN HERE  SOLOMON LIVE
Freemasonry and the Suffragettes
Freemasonry and the Suffragettes
on Solomon Live on Tuesday 13 June at 19:30.

For Freemasons, there are four important values that help define their path through life: Integrity, Friendship, Respect and Charity.

Author, editor, researcher and Freemason Philippa Lee discusses how these values were put into practice in the early 20th century, by both male and female Freemasons, to advance the cause of women’s suffrage. SAVE YOUR SEAT  FIRST RISING FEEDBACK AND AMENDING YOUR EMAIL ADDRESS Did you enjoy this edition of First Rising? We highly value your feedback!

Please let us know by emailing:

You can change your First Rising contact email address by clicking here.    

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