2023/4 Year In Review If you missed picking up a copy of the 2023/4 Year In Review at the recent Middlesex Craft AGM, click on the link below to view our digital version. online.fliphtml5.com This email is being sent to all Members of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex on behalf of the Middlesex Communications Team – Please do not Unsubscribe from this List, otherwise you will receive no further Provincial communications. Copyright (C) 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex. All rights reserved. Website Link : https://www.pglm.org.uk Email Provincial Office : updates@pglm.org.uk Phone Provincial Office : 020 8891 3300 Our mailing address is: Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe |
The History of the Hall Stone Jewel
The Hall Stone Jewel
With the joining of the two Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodges we have been honoured for our Masters to wear the Hall Stone Jewel.
The Jewel came about at the end of the Great War and to celebrate the ensuing peace, Prince Albert, His Royal Highness The Duke of Connaught and Strathearn K.G., P.C., K.T., K.P., G.C.M.G., etc. The then M.W. Grand Master innated the jewel.
The jewel is in the form of a cross, symbolising Sacrifice, with a perfect square at the four ends, on the left and right, squares bearing the dates 1914-1918, the years in which the supreme sacrifice was made.
Between these is a winged figure of Peace presenting the representation of a Temple with special Masonic allusion in the Pillars, Porch, and Steps. The medal is suspended by the Square and Compasses, attached to a ribband, the whole thus symbolising the Craft’s gift of a Temple in memory of those brethren who gave all for King and Country, Peace and Victory, Liberty and Brotherhood.
Within Great Queen Street there is a list of all the Lodges of Masons (See Above) who lost their life during the Great War and as you can see Dalhousie is such a Lodge where todays Master is privileged to wear such a Jewel during his year. (See Below)
PGLM News – Middlesex Freemasonry
Brethren, The following has been posted on the PGLM website, yes you’ve seen it before but now with Provincial.
If you scroll a little further down you will also find a Middlesex Mason in Macedonia.
Overseas Visitor
On Saturday 8th June at Dalhousie And Call Sign Lodge No.865 our newly installed worshipful master W.Bro Dejan Kocev had a special visitor from Bulgaria, Bro Orlin Kaliv a representative of “Sofia Friends Lodge No.96 United Grand Lodge of Bulgaria attended as a personal guest at the installation meeting providing a letter of good standing, allowing bridges to be built between the two Lodges receiving a warm welcome from Lodge members Bro. Orlin Kaliv was presented with two books on behalf of United Grand Lodge of England, namely, “A History of the Masonic Province of Middlesex 1870 – 2020” and “A History of the Royal Arch Province of Middlesex 1872 – 2022” which was gratefully received. Bro. Orlin attended the festive board after which was a joyous occasion including his joining in with the singing of the Masters song.
Welcoming our new Worshipful Master Dejan Kocev for the year 2024 – 2025
Congratulations and wishing our new Worshipful Master for the year 2024 – 2025 all the very best.
2024 Annual Convocation
View this email in your browser 2024 Annual Convocation of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex Companions are invited to attend the Annual Convocation of Provincial Grand Chapter of Middlesex which will be held in Temple 10, Freemasons Hall, Great Queen Street, London, WC2B 5AZ on Monday 24th June 2024 Seated For 3.45, Convocation commences 4.15pm Meal Booking concludes on 14th June. Provincial Grand Chapter will open at 4.15pm, please be seated by 3:45pm. The convocation will be followed by a Festive Board in the Grand Hall of Grand Connaught Rooms at 7pm, preceded by a cash bar in the adjacent Grand Ballroom. Why not make a day of it? Prior to the AGM, Middlesex Installed Mark Masters Lodge No 1218 will meet in the same Temple 10 at 1:30pm – 2pm. At 2pm there will be a captivating talk from the distinguished British Soldier, Warrant Officer Class 2 Johnson Gideon Beharry, VC, COG, recipient of the Victoria Cross. This talk is open to all R.A. Members as it is taking place after the Mark Meeting has concluded. Andy Wright PGStB, Provincial Grand Scribe EProvince of Middlesex CLICK HERE TO BOOK SEND APOLOGIES Menu Starter:Smoked salmon with red onion rings, capers and a micro cress salad Main Meal:Saltimbocca chicken with hot German-style potato salad; fine bean, black olive and tomato fricassee. Dessert:Lemon and ginger cheesecake (Vegetarian alternative)Starter:Avocado, tomato and mozzarella tricolour salad tossed in balsamic Meal:Sweet potato, courgette & shiitake, coconut curry Dessert:Lemon and ginger cheesecake Tea/Coffee & After Dinner Mintsincludes 1/3 bottle of wine It’s cheaper with friends… Cost of £50 per head for individual bookings. Cost of £48 per head for a table of 8+ booking AGM Seated by 3.30 pm – Dining 7.00 pmInformation on appointments Click to view ACTIVE RANKS FIRST APPOINTMENTSPROMOTIONS Copyright (C) 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex. All rights reserved. Website Link : https://www.pglm.org.uk Email Provincial Office : updates@pglm.org.uk Phone Provincial Office : 020 8891 3300 Our mailing address is: Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe |
Middlesex Cares Update
View this email in your browser Brethren, The Acacia Club This was formally launched to all Middlesex members of the Craft on 24th May and initial responses (although so far small in number) have been universally positive. A small number of wives, widows and partners have already shown interest in being part of the management of the club, and very encouragingly, a couple of them have professional skills that are absolutely relevant to what the club hopes to achieve for its members. It is however very early days, and much work still needs to be done to ascertain the extent of interest in the club and to identify those who will run it. In summary, a good start has been made, and anyone wanting to be involved with it, either as a member or as part of the team managing it, should contact Hugh Saville (hugh.saville@pglm.org.uk) New coordinator for “Network & Friendship” pillar A special welcome to W. Bro. Andy Elliott who has joined the team recently. You will hear a lot from him regarding his concept and plans on this pillar. Travel and Transport An offer of transport to the Royal Arch Annual Convocation at Freemasons Hall on the 24th June 2024 has been sent out to all Companions within the province. We are currently awaiting further responses to enable us to assess the requirements for this. It has also been decided that a more targeted approach is required to help identify all those who would benefit from this assistance going forward. We would like to contact individual Lodge Almoners/Secretaries in the near future to seek help in identifying individual members within their lodges who would benefit most from such transport facilities. Sincerely & Fraternally, Ivan Chu, ProvGAlm. Please do not Unsubscribe from this List, otherwise you will receive no further Provincial communications. Copyright (C) 2024 Provincial Grand Lodge of Middlesex. All rights reserved. Website Link : https://www.pglm.org.uk Email Provincial Office : updates@pglm.org.uk Phone Provincial Office : 020 8891 3300 Our mailing address is: Want to change how you receive these emails? You can update your preferences or unsubscribe |