MONDAY 26th JUNE Welcome to First Rising – the official newsletter for members of United Grand Lodge of England. NEWS FROM GRAND LODGE PRO GRAND MASTER’S ADDRESS TO JUNE QC ‘Brethren, I am enthusiastic about our prospects, I am encouraged by the way you are responding to the challenge, and I have no doubt we can succeed if we all work together to ensure we continue to thrive.’ Read the Pro Grand Master’s Address to June Quarterly Communications of Grand Lodge at the link below. READ THE ADDRESS HIGHLIGHTS OF THE MEMBERS’ PATHWAY EVENT IN LEICESTER At the start of June, thirteen Provincial Grand Masters and their Provincial Membership Teams came together in Leicester to learn more about the Members’ Pathway, discuss challenges and frustrations and share good practices. The Members’ Pathway provides a toolkit of good practice for Brethren to use in their Lodges to Attract, Engage and Retrieve members. It is a suite of ideas which have been developed from good practices already in operation across UGLE and seeks to provide the tools so we can Attract Members and Grow Lodges. The short film below gives some insight into what was learnt in Leicester. Highlights of the Members’ Pathway event held in Leicester on 3rd June 2023 Any Brother can access the Members’ Pathway via the bUGLE website here. If this is the first time you are learning about the Members’ Pathway, this PDF booklet may be useful. The key to successfully using the Members’ Pathway in your Lodge is to establish a Lodge Membership Team, so as a group, you can work to Engage and have fun with current members, work to retrieve those members whose attendance may have lapsed or might have left but could potentially be encouraged back if his or the Lodge circumstances have changed and by reviewing and learning how your Lodge works best. Developing a plan and utilising the tools is an effective technique to explore ways to attract new members. WATCH THE VIDEO CRAFTCAST: THE FREEMASONS PODCAST The one about the Members’ Pathway In this captivating episode of Craftcast, our hosts delve into the significance of the Members’ Pathway and its pivotal role in accomplishing UGLE’s Seven-Year Strategy. Join us for this enlightening conversation with Steven Varley, Ian Copestake, and Chris Hirst, members of the Members’ Pathway team, revealing its profound impact on Lodge and Membership Development. Discover how this comprehensive framework empowers Lodges to attract and embrace new members, fostering a sense of belonging and satisfaction. Our guests share valuable insights on engaging fresh faces and existing members, ensuring active participation and reducing losses caused by resignations, cessations, and exclusions. Tune in to this informative episode of Craftcast and unlock the potential of the Members’ Pathway as we navigate the transformative journey of Freemasonry together! Listen to the latest episode of Craftcast – The one about the Members’ Pathway – on UGLE’s YouTube channel or at the link below! LISTEN HERE SOLOMON LIVE Freemasonry and the foundation of the USA Freemasonry and the foundation of the USA on Solomon Live on Tuesday 4 July at 19:30. Solomon Live is delighted to welcome Most Worshipful Brother Akram Elias, Prestonian Lecturer for 2023 and Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Washington, D.C., as he discusses the significance of the 1723 Constitutions to the Founding Fathers during the formation of the United States of America. SAVE YOUR SEAT You can now catch up on all episodes of Solomon Live through your favourite podcast platforms! Click here and listen to Solomon Live on Apple Podcast, Google Podcast or Spotify. 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