Special Thanks

Please see below the attached letter of thanks and certificate from the London Air Ambulance to W.Bro Mervyn Roach for the very kind donation of a red arrows flight suit.

The £190 raised for the auctioning of the suit will be put to very good use by London Air Ambulance.

Victoria Cross Remembrance Stone placed at Freemasons Hall

Dr David Staples, UGLE’s Chief Executive and Grand Secretary, said: “It’s been a huge honour to mark the dedication of this wonderful Victoria Cross Remembrance Stone and another significant milestone in our longstanding history.

“It is even more remarkable in the context that 14% of all recipients of the Victoria Cross have been Freemasons and I can think of no more fitting home than for it to be placed here at Freemasons’ Hall – a memorial to the thousands of English Freemasons who lost their lives during the Great War.”

Photo courtesy of Worshipful Brother Ian Clabon Secretary Dalhousie And Call Sign Lodge No.865

Dalhousie And Call Sign Lodge No.865 Invite

Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge was invited to attend the Unveiling and Dedication by HRH The Duke Of Kent, KG Grand Master   United Grand Lodge of England – Grand Master
 to attend Freemasons Hall on the 27 June 2019 for the Unveiling and Dedication of a new Eternal Memorial to Peace.

Our connection to the new Memorial was a past Lodge member of Dalhousie No.865 Robert Gee

Robert Gee was a member of Dalhousie Lodge No.865 and was awarded the VC for “Mostly conspicuous bravery, initiative and determination.  When brigade HQ was captured he escaped, organised a counter attack and retook the position.  Then with a revolver in each hand he attacked a machine gun killing the crew.  (Masnienes, France)

Robert Gee VC – victoriacross

This event was attended by our Secretary Worshipful Brother Ian Clabon