Dalhousie and Call Sign Lodge was invited to attend the Unveiling and Dedication by HRH The Duke Of Kent, KG Grand Master United Grand Lodge of England – Grand Master
to attend Freemasons Hall on the 27 June 2019 for the Unveiling and Dedication of a new Eternal Memorial to Peace.
Our connection to the new Memorial was a past Lodge member of Dalhousie No.865 Robert Gee
Robert Gee was a member of Dalhousie
Lodge No.865 and was awarded the VC for “Mostly conspicuous bravery,
initiative and determination. When brigade HQ was captured he escaped,
organised a counter attack and retook the position. Then with a revolver
in each hand he attacked a machine gun killing the crew. (Masnienes,
Robert Gee VC – victoriacross
This event was attended by our Secretary Worshipful Brother Ian Clabon